Monday, September 23, 2024

Oops! I Broke the Wizard's Android!


Oops! I Broke the Wizard's Android! is a humorous coming of age middle grade/YA speculative fantasy with SF space opera overtones by Royce Roeswood. Released 23rd Sept 2024, it's 305 pages and is available in paperback, audio, and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links throughout. 

The character driven plotline is quite meandering and disjointed in places, but comes together fairly well by the denouement. Sent to an entirely inappropriate (borderline dangerous) apprenticeship in an isolated backwater with a senile/vaguely menacing wizard, Ninenne just wanted to be a magical veterinary scientist, and has wound up working with a cross between a theoretical physicist and disturbingly potential murderer. 

The writing is competent, breezily whimsical, and meant to be warmly funny, but often winds up straddling an uncomfortably vague no-man's-land between actively threatening (jump scare murder mystery) and passively weird. There are cute elements which lift the whole, such as Ninienne's familiar, a dog/frog hybrid. 

It's an indie-pub, so the book could have benefited from a more thorough editing process. There are a number of word substitutions (horde/hoard, it's/its, an/and, defuse/diffuse, etc), but readers who can ignore them probably won't be yanked out of the story too much. The ARC provided for pre-release review is possibly not the final release version, so some corrections might have been made prior to release.

The unabridged audiobook has a run time of 8 hours and 12 minutes and is capably read by the author. He has a young light tenor voice and does a good job with the occasionally woe-is-me-stuck-on-a-crap-planet-with-an-impossible-teacher whiny attitude of the main character. He enunciates clearly and does a decent job with the often rapid change dialogue. Sound and production quality are high throughout the read. 

Three and a half stars. Definitely in need of a reading group/professional editing round, but overall a good bet for YA. For that reason, the audiobook version is recommended.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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