Saturday, July 27, 2024

Valediction Records

Valediction Records is a well written and nuanced story about the fallout from a life in a musical group the 70s written by R. Peter Davies. Released 23rd Jan 2024 by Cranthorpe Millner, it's 322 pages and is available in paperback and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links and references throughout. 

Music is such a visceral part of most people's lives that simply hearing a song from the past can evoke strong memories and reactions. This book had a similar vibe. The author manages to recall the 70s-80's punk and new wave movements with cultural references and descriptions which are spot on (and deeply nostalgic). 

The story itself is well crafted and covers a redemption arc which spans decades, from the frenetic lives of a band of the era, to their breakup, to their future lives. There's a surprising twist at the end of the book, and overall it was a solidly well told, poignant story with good takeaways for anyone of middle age or over. 

Readers who are swept up will probably change their Spotify playlists for the duration. 

Four stars. It would make a good choice for public library acquisition, home library, or possibly gift giving. There are some instances (quite a few) of rough language and discussions of substance abuse and violence. It's not egregious and it is integral to the story. (Sex, drugs, & rock'n'roll). 

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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