Friday, July 26, 2024

NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit

NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit is a new/updated how-to and help tutorial guide for book advocates and reviewers written by the folks at We Are Bookish. Originally released in 2022, this updated and reformatted guide was published 22nd July 2024. It's 31 pages and is available in ebook format.

Whether readers have been reviewing for years or are just thinking about starting, networking and learning from other reader/reviewers is always a great idea. Adding techniques to an expanding arsenal of tools for creatively evaluating books and presenting them objectively to followers and the general public is a good way to increase reach and deepen our own understanding of the things we read and review. 

We Are Bookish has collected a number of good tips and tricks in this short guide. They've included info about motivation, how to review, how to format a review, what to say, scheduling, follow ups, audiobook reviews, and more. There's a flowchart about what to do with DNF (did not finish) books. They've also included a very helpful page on writing critical reviews, something that nearly all reviewers struggle with. 

They also tease an upcoming social media toolkit at the end of the booklet. 

Five stars. This would be a great fit for pretty much everyone who writes even the occasional book review, blog, or bookish social media post. It's necessary to create a NetGalley account to access and download the booklet, but it's a useful, graphically appealing tool.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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