Sunday, July 7, 2024


Navola is a beautifully written immersive epic political fantasy(ish?) novel by Paolo Bacigalupi. Due out 9th July 2024 from Knopf Doubleday on their Knopf imprint, it's 576 pages and will be available in hardcover, audio, and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links. 

Despite the dragon eye on the gorgeous cover, this feels a lot more like a historical political epic novel than a fantasy. There are fantasy *elements* but it's more evocative of Umberto Eco than GRR Martin.  It's very lush and immersive and transportive, but also directly and realistically based on "real world" Italy. Readers are swept away to the Renaissance Italian city-states and enfolded in the political machinations and murky jockeying for power in the sumptuous palazzos and noble residences of Navola. 

For sensitive readers, there is quite a lot of graphic violence included which, while integral to the plot, is nevertheless disturbing. Typically of the subgenre, the author uses long descriptive passages to develop the plot and sometimes the pacing seems uneven, rushed in some places and very slow in others. 

Four stars. One for readers who are aware and accepting of graphic violence, murder, and political machinations. It's not clear what the author's overarching message is meant to be, might makes right, political juggernauts crush decency and humanity, or something else. Still not sure it was worth the very well written prose to get through nearly 600 pages of blood, rape, murder, and conquest. 

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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