Wednesday, June 5, 2024

I'm Fabulous Crab

I'm Fabulous Crab is an enchanting and adorable picture book with simple rhyming verse written and illustrated by Nicki Greenberg. Released 19th Sept 2023 by Flyaway Books, it's 40 pages and is available in hardcover format.

This is such a cute, upbeat, and friendly book. Henry doesn't want to be a drab brown hermit crab, and searches for ways to be more colorful and blingy and embraces his inner Fabulous Crab! It's not always safe to stray outside your comfort zones, but having helpful and supportive friends is always good as Henry finds out.

Despite being June, this sweet story is 100% age appropriate and not pushing any message other than living authentically and that it's ok to be yourself. Unfortunately, in some areas in the USA, libraries are battling censorship and book banning threats, and acquisitions personnel might worry that this would attract unwanted attention. There is zero objectionable content. 

The art is very colorful and festive and full of small details which will be perfect for "I spy" type games with youngsters. The author/publisher have included discussion questions and resource materials for classroom use and discussions with parents or teachers/facilitators. 

Five stars. Fun and well illustrated. It would make an excellent choice for public or school library acquisition, home use, and gift giving.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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