Sunday, June 23, 2024

50 Hikes with Kids Virginia and Maryland: With Delaware, West Virginia, and Washington DC


50 Hikes with Kids Virginia and Maryland is an engaging, accessible, and very useful guide to family friendly local hikes all along the central and eastern part of the USA. Due out 9th July 2024 from Hachette on their Timber Press imprint, it's 292 pages and will be available in paperback and ebook formats.

This handbook is full of ideas for planning family hiking and finding opportunities to experience nature together. It's specifically aimed at kid friendly areas with practical suggestions for planning, choosing, and executing trips. The general introductory chapters contain numbered key tables with both names and features of each hike. Readers can look for general locations, plan an itinerary, or choose destinations based on geographical or historical features.

The hikes are arranged roughly geographically by state: Delaware, Maryland, DC, Virginia, and West Virginia. Each trip guide includes maps, points of interest, length (important!), elevation gain, difficulty, seasons of interest (many are year-round), directions, fees, facilities, extra treats and features, and contact information for the sites. 

The book is beautifully illustrated throughout, with topographical and local maps, color photography, and line drawn illustrations. There are beautiful clear photos of local nature and wildlife as well.

This is a valuable guide. It is part of a series of hike/destination planners for different areas of the USA from the same publisher. It would be a great choice for home use as well as library acquisition. 

Five stars. 

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.


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