Sunday, October 22, 2023

The One Minute Cure: The Secret To Curing All Diseases

The One Minute Cure: The Secret To Curing All Diseases is a pseudo-scientific unproven, unfounded, unscientific screed about the greed and corruption of "big pharma" presented by Madison Cavanaugh. Released in 2008, and repackaged and re-released since, this edition is 168 pages and is available in paperback and ebook formats. 

Folksy wisdom tells us that if "anything seems too good to be true" it almost certainly is. This author claims that this simple method will *cure* "virtually all diseases" and lumps together everything from cancer to diabetes to viral and bacterial infections and parasites. The reason we're only just now hearing about it is because of the mafia-like influence of "big pharma" which loses money if people get cured. This is a particularly American conspiracy theory since "big pharma" and the "mainstream medical system" are not-for-profit in virtually *every* other country on the planet. The people devoting their lives to saving their fellow humans are (for the most part) genuinely altruistic and genuinely fighting to helping forward the science to improve outcomes in everything from infectious disease to cancer and chronic and lifestyle diseases. Understand that there is no shadow science-nerd organization dedicated to killing people for profit and keeping the good info back to make money.

Hydrogen peroxide is unstable (that's why you buy it in brown or opaque bottles, even light will turn it into gaseous Oxygen and plain water). Furthermore H2O2 in its native form is actively carcinogenic. The human body is complex. The physio-chemical processes that drive absolutely everything from digestion and respiration to cellular responses to stress (in the form of infection, damage, lack of resources, etc) are driven by an incredibly complex set of controls and safety checks. Cells will literally kill themselves rather than damage their neighbor cells (when this security feature stops working is what we call cancer). Trying to bypass these checks and balances will not generally lead to any good outcome and at best will have no effect whatsoever (our stomach environments are extremely acidic, killing just about any bacteria and parasites we ingest, as well as instantly turning peroxide into water and oxygen gas... it does NOT go into your bloodstream), and at worst will kill you.

The author does an appalling job of wildly equating studies which show that exposure to hydrogen peroxide in *toxic* concentrations will kill cancer cells, viruses, bacteria, and systemic damage in vitro (in the lab, OUTSIDE the body), and then logically equating that with the same results from drinking (supposedly) non-toxic concentrations of peroxide in water orally throughout the day in vivo (in the body). 

To sum up, there is no reproducible scientific evidence that oral ingestion of hydrogen peroxide will have any positive effect on disease and a literal TON of contra-evidence, not because the medical establishment wants to keep people sick to make a profit, but because it's just sadly not true. This book is absolutely full of pseudo-scientific malarkey, dangerously so. 

Rigid, formal, REPRODUCIBLE science is what cures disease. There are millions of very intelligent, truly driven, altruistic scientists who would love nothing more than to cure cancer (and collect the resultant Nobel in physiology or medicine). It's not going to be done by perpetuating positivity, crystals, or manifestation... or by selling more copies of her book which she suggests readers do, for their friends and family. 

She provides a link to NCBI and says "type hydrogen peroxide into the search bar" and look at the 104,266 results knowing that the vast vast majority of readers will not have the background or interest to *read* any of them, most of which are basically saying "please don't drink peroxide, it's dangerous, we tested it and we can prove it". 

Bad BAD science, badly formulated. Big pharma is not out to get you. Turn off Fox news and Breitbart and Q-anon. PS A free tip from an actual professional bio-nerd: if anything claims to be a panacea, cure-all, miracle cure, *run* the other direction. The "magic bullet" almost never exists.

One star. Avoid. 

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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