Friday, February 17, 2023

The Sustainable Homestead: Create a Thriving Permaculture Ecosystem with Your Garden, Animals, and Land

The Sustainable Homestead is a well written practical guide to permaculture, farming and self-sufficiency by Angela Ferraro-Fanning. Due out 28th March 2023 from Quarto on their Cool Springs Press imprint, it's 192 pages and will be available in paperback and ebook formats. 

The book has a logical and accessible format with an understandable progression. The author starts with site selection (location location location) and moves on to soil, growing, incorporating animals, creating and maintaining pasture, compost, orchards, and the role of the homesteader. The book also includes a useful reference appendix, bibliography, and index. I really loved the well written no-nonsense foreword by Dr. Temple Grandin, who absolutely knows what she's talking about.

This won't be the *only* book needed to get from dreamer phase to small-farmer, but it is a very useful resource and will be a welcome addition to the smallholder's library. This would also make a good choice for public or possibly school library acquisition, as well as for community gardens and allotments. The photography throughout is superlative; clear and colorful.

Four and a half stars. The information contained in this volume is slanted toward readers in North America, but there are good takeaways for readers living elsewhere.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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