Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The American Stamp: Postal Iconography, Democratic Citizenship, and Consumerism in the United States

The American Stamp is a well written, mostly layman accessible monograph on the history and context of stamps/postage in American culture. Released 3rd Jan 2023 by the Columbia University Press, it's 368 pages and is available in hardcover and ebook formats. 

Dr. Laura Goldblatt  has taken what could've been the tweediest, driest, most academic treatise and made it both accessible and interesting. The subject matter is admittedly academic, there's enough annotation and chapter notation and bibliography to satisfy the staunchest pedant but at the same time, there's a clear and compelling historical and sociological narrative. The book's not lavishly illustrated, the included photos and facsimiles are in black and white, but nevertheless, there's a distinct and followable thread throughout showing correlations between the rise of the mail service and postage stamps to the growth and shaping of the United States.

There were quite a lot of surprising revelations for me in this book about stamps, the actual logistics of mail delivery, infrastructure and how it relates to democracy, lifestyle, philately, and more. Throughout the book, the author & contributor have included numerous photographs and illustrations (in black & white/grayscale) which I enjoyed very much.

Well written, meticulously annotated and researched, with a clear and engaging narrative. Four and a half stars. Definitely a niche selection, but the best and most comprehensive example of parallel comparative study of social change as reflected in stamp subjects and imagery that I've seen (it's not a huge field, I think).

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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