Tuesday, November 1, 2022

What Is My Plant Telling Me?: An Illustrated Guide to Houseplants and How to Keep Them Alive

What Is My Plant Telling Me? is a useful and graphically appealing illustrated guide to houseplant care by Emily L. Hay Hinsdale. Released 20th Sept 2022 by Simon & Schuster on their Element imprint, it's 208 pages and is available in hardcover and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links and references throughout. I've really become enamored of ebooks with interactive formats lately.

The intro pages include a list of general growing tips and actions/reactions explaining the culture needs of plants in general (water, light, potting, etc). The following chapters cover individual specific common houseplants and their needs.  Each chapter heading shows a small illustrated example of the specific plant along with culture needs and a short history for each. The illustrations by Loni Harris are restful and calm. Though not overly detailed, they are certainly easily recognizable.

I appreciated that each of the listings provides both the common and Latin names for the plants to avoid confusion and regional differences.

Four and a half stars, lovely useful book. Mostly slanted to beginners, but there's a lot of interesting info to be gleaned here for more experienced houseplant fans.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher.

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