Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The Animal Adventurer's Guide: How to Prowl for an Owl, Make Snail Slime, and Catch a Frog Bare-Handed-50 Activities to Get Wild with Animals

The Animal Adventurer's Guide is a field guide for young readers, facilitators/educators/parents, and others who use a significant amount of time in company with youngsters written by Susie Spikol. Released 13th Sept 2022 by Roost Books, it's 136 pages and is available in paperback and ebook formats. 

This is a safety conscious, accessible, and engaging guide for youngsters and their adults to get outside and find and observe wildlife in their own habitats. The book is split into chapters focusing on birds, mammals, herps, arthropods, and other inverts. The introduction does a nice job of introducing some tools, supplies, and general info on safety and responsibility, as well as providing some activities for making simple items and packing a field bag. 

It's well written in understandable basic language and new concepts and glossary are explained in context as well as in activity sidebars. Acquired goals and skills are listed in each subchapter. The text is enhanced throughout by engaging illustrations by Becca Hall.

Five stars. This is a helpful and engaging field guide and would be an excellent choice for public or school library acquisition, home use (homeschooling?), activity and scouting groups, and similar. 

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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