Saturday, March 12, 2022

NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit

NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit is a concise, accessible, and well written guide aimed at readers who want to improve their reviewing process and grow their online presence. Released on NetGalley 8th March 2022 by NG's sister site We Are Bookish, it's 31 pages and is available at no cost in ebook format. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links. I've really become enamored of ebooks with interactive formats lately. 

This is a surprisingly effective and information dense tutorial guide to writing good reviews, improving critical reading for review, and with choosing platform(s) and creating and growing an online profile.  All the necessary information is provided in high contrast graphics in small and easily utilizable bullet points. Relevant online resources are hyperlinked directly in the text, for convenient access. 

I liked that the booklet gives a good general overview and shows how the different aspects: platform, retail sites, netgalley, access to review ARCs relate to one another and how they are related synergistically. The chapters are arranged sequentially: NetGalley tips, book reviews, bookish social media, strategizing, and relevant links and resources. 

This is precisely what it claims to be: a useful set of tips and advice for writing effective reviews and getting those reviews into the hands of readers who are looking for book tips. This would be a great asset for beginners and more advanced reviewers who want to increase efficiency. I recommend it for all NG users especially since it contains a comprehensive and handy list of hyperlinks in one place.  I especially liked their wise words about accessibility. Not all reviewers use all platforms for review. There are very different considerations for advocates who mostly review on video platforms and a lot of the Do/Don't advice given was for things I hadn't ever even considered.

Five stars. Not currently available through goodreads or Amazon as far as I can see, but available gratis via the NetGalley link above. 

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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