Monday, June 1, 2020

21 Day Thyroid Plan - Thriving With Hashimoto's

21 Day Thyroid Plan - Thriving With Hashimoto's is an action plan and detailed foods list by Mark Pilja. Released 29th April 2020, it's 187 pages and available in paperback and ebook formats.

The book starts with a timely introduction regarding the immune system against the larger backdrop of a worldwide pandemic. The author's writing style is layman accessible, and science based. He discusses and provides definitions for some of the physiology behind autoimmune issues and Hasimoto's thyroiditis specifically.

The following chapters cover carbohydrates (and limiting them), arranging the pantry to more easily sustain a specialized diet, paleo diet, food security (in terms of a pandemic and civil unrest), stress and sleep management (very important factors with auto-immune disease in general and Hashimoto's in particular), healthy exercise and building and supporting the body and immune system. Note: the author is quite specific about foods and combinations he uses for specific meals but this book is a resource guide and does *not* contain specific recipes or meal plans.

Much of the text and information has been reformatted and rewritten to take the pandemic into account. There is a chapter by chapter resource and bibliography list with links included at the back of the book which is very useful and information dense. Many of the citations are peer-reviewed medical publications and may be heavy going for some readers (but well worth the effort).

Well written and accurate. There are a lot of good takeaways here for patients and their families trying to come to grips with a diagnosis and wondering where to proactively change for a better lifestyle.

Five stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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