Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Colorwork Bible: Techniques and Projects for Colorful Knitting

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The Colorwork Bible is a new tutorial guide for planning and using color in knitting projects written by Jesie Ostermiller. Due out 6th Oct 2020 from Penguin Random House on their Interweave Press imprint, it's 160 pages and will be available in hardcover and ebook formats.

The excerpt provided for review included a chapter selection from chapters 1 (understanding color) and 3 (stripes). Each of the excerpts included good basic instruction in the form of short tutorials, for example the use of color wheels to select and plan color as well as the use of greyscale to determine color dominance and contrast.

Interweave has a 45 year record of excellence in fiber-arts instruction and history. The two chapters which were included aren't comprehensive in terms of a review of the entire book, but they -are- well written and accessible, and the publisher's longstanding excellence allow me to say that the entire book will very likely be similarly well written and high quality and full of useful information. Note: the chapters which were provided did not contain any actual patterns, but the table of contents provided indicate that there are 11 project patterns in the book - including small projects: hat, socks, mittens as well as larger pieces: sweaters, shawl, cowl and jacket.

Four stars for the chapters with which I was provided, probably five for the book overall.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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