The Curious Kitchen Gardener is a graphically appealing and well written volume full of unusual/rare/little known plants for gardeners with recipes written by Linda Ziedrich. Due out 25th February 2025 from Hachette on their Timber Press imprint, it's 268 pages and will be available in paperback and ebook formats.
This is a fun collection of 33 lesser known or not-currently-popular edible plants, fruits, tubers, and vegetables collected in an almanac format by chapters for each plant. The plants include well known plants which are used for other purposes (lavender, poppies) as well as plants which *should* be much more popular and utilized (haskap, artichoke, Makah Ozette potatoes and others).
Each chapter includes specifics about the history and background of each plant, along with photos (in most, but not all cases), along with a recipe utilizing the fruit/veg/flowering part of each plant. Recipes are varied and interesting, and most of the other ingredients will be easily available from any well stocked grocery store in North America.
One drawback with the book is that the author does not include culture info for the entries, so it's not clear (without further investigation) what climate ranges the plants will do well in. The author/publisher have included a short seed and plant supplier list to get readers started on sourcing plants and supplies.
Four stars. Well photographed and full of inspiration for gardeners to explore and stretch their gardening muscles. It would be an excellent choice for public or school library acquisition, home use, gardening groups, smallholders, and gift giving.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.