Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The New Fondue Cookbook


The New Fondue Cookbook is a tutorial and recipe collection written and developed around fondue. Due out 8th Dec 2020 from Simon & Schuster on their Adams Media imprint, it's 160 pages and will be available in hardcover and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links. I've really become enamored of ebooks with interactive formats lately.

I grew up a child of the 70s and can remember many family dinners and my parents entertaining around fondue. I love all kinds of fondue and hot-pot meals from chocolate fondue with breadcubes and banana slices to Mongolian hot pot. All of my remembered recipes are here along with a cross section of other more modern twists on the method.

A short introduction with tools and supplies and some safety do's and dont's leads directly to the cookbook. The recipes are arranged thematically: Savory fondues (with nods to an impressive number of world cuisines - European, Asian, South American, North American and more) and sweet fondues (chocolate, marshmallow, flambĂ© (oooooh) etc). There are 100+ recipes, enough to keep even the most fondue obsessed cook going for ages. 

The recipes are given with English (American) measurements only. There is a minimalist conversion table included at the back of the book with metric equivalents which is nice, but readers would be as well off with google conversion. It's a nice gesture, though. The ingredients are listed in a bullet list sidebar format along with special info in the headers including tips and background and serving suggestions.  There are very few (none, really) which require difficult to source ingredients. Nutritional info is not included.  The authors have included an alphabetical recipe index including ingredients (have chicken? find appropriate recipes listed under "chicken"). 

We're definitely going to try more of these recipes.  Well written book, tasty recipes. I've dinged half a star for the dearth of photographs. For cooks who -need- photographs for serving ideas, this might be problematic. 

Four and a half stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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